Howard County Outstanding Obligations
Security Class Purpose Type Description Final Maturity Amount
General Obligation Transportation Roads and Bridges improvement for the county 06-01-2025 $6,110,000.00
General Obligation Transportation Roads/Bridges and conservation projects 06-01-2020 $4,110,000.00
General Obligation Public Buildings/Schools Courthouse repairs/elevator 06-01-2022 $260,000.00
General Obligation Parks/Recreation A road bridge at a county park for access to the park for camping at a lake 06-01-2019 $142,000.00
General Obligation Public Buildings/Schools New County shop 06-01-2016 $93,877.78
General Obligation Transportation Dump truck/rock truck/plow for secondary roads 06-01-2020 $69,000.00
General Obligation Transportation dump truck/rock truck/plow for secondary roads 06-01-2020 $69,000.00
General Obligation Transportation dump truck/rock truck/plow for secondary roads 06-01-2020 $69,000.00
General Obligation Transportation Dump truck/rock truck/plow for secondary roads 06-01-2019 $57,000.00
Revenue Bonds Transportation TIF for Roads and Bridges to be repaired for Howard County 06-01-2025 $6,300,000.00
Revenue Bonds Transportation Wind TUrbine TIF for roads/bridges/conservation 06-30-2020 $3,181,165.00
Revenue Bonds Housing/Urban Dev. Websters housing add. 06-30-2020 $1,145,598.00
Revenue Bonds Other York Street Project TIF 06-30-2026 $605,296.00
Revenue Bonds Other TIF for ALCO 06-30-2020 $138,348.00
Revenue Bonds Other TIF for Hawkeye Sanitation 06-30-2019 $91,136.00
Revenue Bonds Other TIF for campsite 06-30-2019 $78,670.00
Revenue Bonds Other TIF for cresco Motors 06-30-2019 $61,032.00
Loans Other Township Fire Truck for Howard Center Township 06-01-2019 $15,200.00
Loans Other Township Fire truck for Vernon Springs Township 06-01-2016 $9,700.00
Total Debt as of 2014: $22,606,022.78

Fun Facts: