Madrid Outstanding Obligations
Security Class Purpose Type Description Final Maturity Amount
General Obligation Housing/Urban Dev. Refinancing of various smaller debt and additional new debt. 06-01-2027 $2,580,000.00
General Obligation Utilities/Sewers New debt related to several small storm sewer projects. 06-01-2027 $900,000.00
Revenue Bonds Utilities/Sewers Rehabilitation work at our sanitary sewer plant and sanitary sewer mains for a new development. 06-01-2033 $1,115,000.00
Revenue Bonds Utilities/Sewers Rehabilitation work at our water plant and exterior painting of our water tower. 06-01-2027 $555,000.00
Loans Public Safety No principal or interest paid until 2014. Interest was capitalized until first principal payment in 2014. 06-30-2021 $158,158.00
Total Debt as of 2014: $5,308,158.00

Fun Facts: