Knoxville CSD Outstanding Obligations
Security Class Purpose Type Description Final Maturity Amount
General Obligation Parks/Recreation General Obligation School Capital Loan Notes funding 8 brand new tennis courts and 1 outdoor basketball court. Collaborative project with the city. 06-01-2025 $1,205,000.00
Revenue Bonds Public Buildings/Schools School Infrastructure Sales, Services, & Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2016. Building addition and renovation West Elementary. 07-01-2030 $6,600,000.00
Revenue Bonds Public Buildings/Schools Revenue Bond Issue for construction of new auditorium. 07-01-2029 $4,930,000.00
Revenue Bonds Public Buildings/Schools Advance Refunding of Series 2011 Revenue Bonds 07-01-2029 $2,270,000.00
Capital Leases/Lease to Purchase Other Teacher laptop lease/purchase 07-05-2018 $161,520.00
Total Debt as of 2018: $15,166,520.00

Fun Facts: