Madrid Outstanding Obligations
Security Class Purpose Type Description Final Maturity Amount
General Obligation Transportation 2019 Go Bond Issue - Street Improvement Projects + $815,000 to refinance 2016 GO Loan 06-01-2038 $2,500,000.00
General Obligation Transportation 2012 - Refinancing of various smaller debt and additional new debt. 06-01-2027 $1,285,000.00
General Obligation Utilities/Sewers 2013A - New debt related to several small storm sewer projects. 06-01-2025 $755,000.00
Revenue Bonds Utilities/Sewers 2013B - Rehabilitation work at our sanitary sewer plant and sanitary sewer mains for a new development. 06-01-2033 $870,000.00
Revenue Bonds Utilities/Sewers 2013C - Rehabilitation work at our water plant and exterior painting of our water tower. 06-01-2027 $355,000.00
Capital Leases/Lease to Purchase Other 2017 - Pelican Street Sweeper 08-21-2021 $41,417.04
Loans Utilities/Sewers 2017 SRF Engineering Loan for Sewer Plant Upgrade 08-25-2020 $460,000.00
Loans Public Safety 2010 Fire Truck - No principal or interest paid until 2014. Interest was capitalized until first principal payment in 2014. 06-30-2021 $44,823.25
Total Debt as of 2019: $6,311,240.29

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