Osceola Outstanding Obligations
Security Class Purpose Type Description Final Maturity Amount
General Obligation Utilities/Sewers Issued to fund land acquisition for new drinking water supply. Issued on an annual appropriation basis. 12-01-2028 $4,475,000.00
General Obligation Other Refinance 2009 Street Bond, 2016 Street Improvements, Fire Engine 06-01-2026 $2,190,000.00
General Obligation Transportation refinance of industrial park bond, new CIP money for E Street Paving, The Meadows, and Marina Parking 06-01-2025 $2,170,000.00
General Obligation Other Refinance $500,000 Street Bond, $500,000 UR Bond, New money for demo fund, PD capital, landfill, snow plow 06-01-2034 $1,665,000.00
General Obligation Utilities/Sewers Natural Gas Line extension to industrial park, issued on an annual appropriation basis. 06-01-2028 $609,553.58
Revenue Bonds Utilities/Sewers Revenue Bond for Washington St, S Fillmore, and Force Main Sewer Projects 06-01-2031 $3,270,000.00
Revenue Bonds Parks/Recreation Casino Revenue Bond deferred land purchase from CCRC 06-01-2031 $2,126,600.00
Revenue Bonds Utilities/Sewers Old Plant Force Main Sewer Project 06-01-2037 $1,661,039.00
Total Debt as of 2019: $18,167,192.58

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