Tiffin Outstanding Obligations
Security Class Purpose Type Description Final Maturity Amount
General Obligation Transportation new water tower, creation of a new major road, new water lines installed to industrial park, new city hall and refinance 3 SRF loans 06-01-2035 $7,275,000.00
General Obligation Other Public Infrastructure Projects - Streets, sewers, trails, detention ponds 06-01-2033 $4,474,346.58
General Obligation Other Street construction 06-01-2031 $4,050,514.42
General Obligation Transportation Street construction, park construction, economic development grant 06-01-2028 $2,510,000.00
General Obligation Public Safety Fire Truck 06-01-2038 $1,009,033.33
Revenue Bonds Utilities/Sewers Waste Water Treatment Plant Expansion Phase 2 06-01-2038 $5,624,000.00
Revenue Bonds Utilities/Sewers WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION PHASE 1 06-01-2037 $1,779,000.00
Revenue Bonds Utilities/Sewers municipal water utility 06-01-2023 $45,320.00
Total Debt as of 2021: $26,767,214.33

Fun Facts: