Roland Outstanding Obligations
Security Class Purpose Type Description Final Maturity Amount
General Obligation Parks/Recreation SWIMMING POOL BOND 06-01-2038 $2,035,000.00
General Obligation Public Buildings/Schools Purchasing of New City Hall building and Remodeling of that building and Demolition of prior City Hall 06-01-2034 $550,000.00
Revenue Bonds Utilities/Sewers LAGOON CO958R 06-01-2039 $3,389,000.00
Revenue Bonds Utilities/Sewers SAMSON STREET SEWER PROJECT - CO819-R 06-01-2037 $778,000.00
Revenue Bonds Utilities/Sewers LIFT STATION-CO724R 06-01-2036 $411,000.00
Total Debt as of 2024: $7,163,000.00

Fun Facts: